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Brik Estate Agents



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    Ailsa Stewart img 5

    This is my second experience with Chris Hollis and the team at Brik. They are very approachable, knowledgeable about the area and provided an excellent service. The advice I received was clear, straightforward and the team were quick to support when we encountered challenges. The follow-up and diligence to ensure our sale went through successfully was a huge help and I was very reassured to have them looking after things. If you are selling in the Parsons Green/Fulham area I recommend you speak to the team at Brik.

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    Sarah Brocklebank img 5

    Brik were excellent, particularly Chris who went out of his way to be helpful. Their marketing / photos were very good and the way viewings were organised was very professional. Feedback after each viewing was timely and useful and Chris' help with communication during the negotiations was greatly appreciated. A very friendly team and a personal service

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    Hubert Beatson-Hird img 5

    I was a first time buyer - Chris and the team did spectacularly and helped with the speed bumps thrown out by the other side. Easy comms and a professional service. 10/10 would recommend and use again.

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    Mimi Gore Browne img 5

    Really good experience with Brik. Chris went out of his way to help sort things for us - great communication and very reliable. Thanks for all your help!

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    Sarah Francis img 5

    I cannot recommend Brik too highly. I bought my house through them with the help of James Sims back in 2013 and have just concluded the sale with the help of Chris Holliss. It is refreshing to know one is in 'safe hands'. This pro-active, patient and positive team are completely up to speed on every angle of the Fulham market. There is always someone to answer a query or give advice and I found the rental team equally informative. The 'can-do' atmosphere is evident in their office and their calm persistence and professionalism paid off in the end! Thank you Brik!