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Story Coffee



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    Zak Torrance img 5

    Story Coffee, the epicentre of the local community. Over the past six years I find myself consistently drawn to Story's hatch. It's not only a place for indulgent coffees, succulent toasties and buttery pastries but a hub for comfort in a multitude of ways. The super friendly staff feel like an integral part of my morning routine. Daily conversations with an array of staff members is such a welcoming touch. Always smiling, always happy and always nailing the perfect concoction of oat milk and coffee beans. The owner Sof is a gentleman and makes you feel incredibly valued as a customer. I will always bring my custom in exchange for those teal cups filled with wonderful coffee. I'm so proud to see a locally owned business succeed in my community.

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    janki amin img 5

    I have been going to Story Coffee for the last six years. I go there everyday for my coffee fix. My morning starts on a good note after I have had their coffee which is so consistent and tastes amazing. The staff are so welcoming, friendly and attentive. The baristas are so well trained and that is why each cup of coffee is always the same. I would highly recommend this coffee shop if you have never tried it before and I can assure you that you will not be disappointed and hopefully become a regular customer????????????

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    Daniel B img 1

    staff are unbelievably rude. saw the short haired waitress staff berate a customer for using a laptop - "look at our signs, sorry can you leave". ???? Barista just giggled. coffee is OK as bean quality is high (still not Caravan, Clinton's or Monmouth good) but avoid if you can. Edit: just checked comments below and you can see owner's response to most of clients is pretty derogatory. Fingers crossed business rates kills this place and a better coffee shop takes its place!

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    Cali img 4

    I like this place. The food and coffee are excellent. However, what I find annoying is the fact the inside air conditioned area is frequently closed due to staffing issues leaving no where to sit except in an unshaded and very warm area. This actually stops me going here. It would be better if they closed the outside area where fewer people sit and opened the indoor area.

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    Becky Stevens img 5

    Best coffee on St Johns Hill. Ive been a longterm customer clucking for my Story coffees for the past 4 years. One question when will you start making your delicious cinnamon buns again?!