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Over Under Coffee - Wandsworth Town



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    Kris Kaz img 5

    Fantastic coffee, great food. One of the best place in London for quick bite. Service is amazing. Really tasty burgers and baps. Fresh ingredients, prime beef, really enjoyed everything m. If you near Wandsworth station spare 10 min for great treat. You will never be disappointed here. Highly recommend

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    Alejandra Andrade img 5

    I love this place so much - it’s my favourite part of going into the office these days! The coffee is great and the staff are incredible- y’all make my mornings ????????

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    J Graham img 5

    Great coffee, friendly staff and the BEST breakfast sandwich in London! (Get egg bacon and cheese on the croissant) Make sure to stop in anytime you are in SE London then head down to the river for a nice weekend walk.

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    Lauren White img 5

    This little coffee stop is my favourite bit about Wandsworth Town! Amazing coffee kept me going through all the lockdowns & the staff are always smiling and lovely. Would recommend a cheese & egg roll - my go to breakfast on the way home from nightshift.

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    James M img 4

    Recommended fast street food stop at the entrance to Wandsworth Railway Station. Parking difficult but great for those in bus, foot or bikes. Lovely coffee, great breakfast fare. Nice people, quick service.