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Bliss Coffee



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    Ed Jones img 5

    Lovely local cafe! Highly recommend, excellent coffee and nice selection of pastries and savoury bites. The owners are lovely. Think this will become my regularly local coffee option ???? will be back soon!

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    Sinead Archer img 5

    Lovely coffee and omg the homemade carrot cake is so delicious. Nice owner too, clearly committed to customer experience as he asks for feedback on the cakes etc.

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    Alexandra Ilianova img 5

    Good example of local business. It has its own charm and spirit. Nice coffee and bespoke food. A bit overpriced, but in this case you are paying for an atmosphere and service.

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    Ste Mo img 4

    Coffee is good but lacks breakfast / food options. They used to offer cooked food prior to covid. Head down to Rosy Lee cafe down the road if you want more food options.

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    Tai Ejire img 5

    The coffee is amazing, and the cafe itself is a nice and cosy spot for getting some work done if you want a change of scenery from the home office. The owner and staff are very friendly and helpful.